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Elite Renewables

4 Notable Passivhaus Properties in the UK and Beyond

Passivhaus has become a steadily more popular choice of sustainable architecture for homeowners across the world, helping them to create a home that has less impact on the environment. By combining airtight construction, superior insulation, and advanced ventilation systems, Passivhaus properties provide an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional building methods. In this guide, discover four of the most interesting Passivhaus properties from across the globe.

Camden Passivhaus, England

As a residential property that was designed for a young family in Camden, London, Camden Passivhaus was London’s first Passivhaus home. The two-bed property from bere:architects is built with a heavily insulated prefabricated timber frame, with bright and airy rooms that make a comfortable living space. The property includes a heat recovery ventilation system, as well as a water filtration system that provides fresh water throughout the home.

The Larch House, Wales

Designed by the same architectural firm as the Camden Passivhaus property, The Larch House is based in Ebbw Vale, Wales. The three-bed home is easily heated by the inhabitants, the sun and the appliances. The Larch House also generates the amount of energy it needs for the entire year over the summer months, allowing it to have a minimal impact on the environment even on days with very few hours of sunlight.

The Heliotrope, Germany

Circular in design, the Heliotrope was designed by the German architect Rolf Disch. Developed into a housing project with three buildings, the Heliotrope in Freiburg is home to the architect himself. The property itself has multiple energy generation systems, designed to provide heat and warm water from multiple sources. These systems include a heat exchanger, solar-thermal balcony railings, and solar tracking panels. Additionally, the building features a grey-water cleansing system and a natural waste composting system.

Cornell Tech Residential Tower, USA

Cornell Tech Residential Tower is located in New York City and provides comfortable living spaces for the university’s students and faculty. The House at Cornell Tech was designed by Handel Architects, a business that strives to make a positive difference with their work. The House itself incorporates high-performance insulation, triple-pane windows, and a centralised ventilation system, ensuring the interior temperature is comfortable and controlled throughout the year.

Our Sustainable Structural Designs

If you’re interested in creating your very own Passivhaus property, our experts at Elite Renewables Ltd are here to help. We lead the way by offering both architectural and Passivhaus services, helping to create properties that need less support from external heating and energy suppliers. Explore our website to discover the various renewable products and services we have to offer, meet our team, and find more helpful blog posts. Alternatively, please get in touch with us directly to find out more.

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